Hello and welcome to Raw Feeding Dogs. We sell a range of 80/10/10 dinners as well as meaty bones and meaty chunks which are delivered throughout Havering and parts of South Essex.

A small brown dog wearing a pink collar and a blue tag is looking at the camera.

Benefits of Raw


Improved :


  • skin - less dry, itchy or flakey


  • Reduced allergies, Ear infections and paw chewing


  • Coat - less doggy smell, glossier coat


  • Oral health - bones = Natures toothbrush. Cleaner teeth & fresher breath. 


  • Digestion - sensitive tummies improve, less smelly wind 


  • Anal glands - firmer poos naturally express the glands


  • Improved behaviour - Endorphins are released by chewing 

  • Energy balancing - hyperactivity is reduced whereas older dogs show increased focused energy.

By taking a natural approach to your dogs dinner you are allowing his digestive system to run the way nature intended. 65% of a dogs immune system is located within his gut so you can see why a happy tum leads to a healthier dog.

Feeding a balanced Raw diet will provide all of the vitamin and minerals required in their natural form for optimal absorption.

Why Feed Raw

Although dogs can tolerate a wide range of food stuffs their body shows a raw meat and bone based diet is optimal and what they were designed to eat.


Starting off where food enters the body. Dogs teeth are sharp and pointed which is ideal for grabbing and tearing off chunks off meat. Dogs do not chew their food, instead their jaws move with a scissor like action which crush the meat and bone so it is small enough to fit down the throat, down into the stomach. The stomach then has to become very acidic in order to break down and digest the meat and bone. This low PH level in the stomach has a beneficial effect on the good bacteria which promotes health. 

The dogs gut is also much shorter than an omnivore or herbivore so is also a good indication that their ideal diet is meat based rather than plant / grain based. 

A dogs saliva does not contain the enzyme amylase which is needed to break down starch, instead small amount are produced by the pancreas. This shows a small amount of plant matter can be tolerated but large amounts puts stress on the pancreas which can lead to enzyme deficiency or diabetes. 


Feeding a diet of raw meat and bones lowers acidity within the stomach and sustains maintenance of the villi within the gut where good bacteria live. If the gut is struggling or becomes lazy the numbers of good bacteria will fall and allow for harmful bacteria to take over.

 The beneficial bacteria helps with digestion and the absorption of nutrients and promotes fully functioning immune system as well as influencing mood and behaviour. 


Overgrowth of harmful bacteria can lead to yeast infections, flatulence and loose stools.

Raw green tripe contains beneficial bacteria and if needed probiotic supplements or live yogurt/kefir can be given.

As well as the benefits on the gut and beneficial bacteria, raw food still has all of the natural nutrients intact, as none have been destroyed by the cooking or drying process. To make processed food nutritious, synthetic vitamins and minerals are added back to the food. These synthetic versions are not as bioavailable and cannot work synergistically as they can in their natural form. 


Raw Meat helps build and maintain lean muscle mass. A dog with lean muscle burns more energy than a dog with more fat than muscle so obesity is rarely an issue. A processed diet higher in carbohydrates will provoke an insulin response which as well as being taxing on the pancreas will encourage the storage of these sugars as fat. A raw diet will help an overweight dog loose fat but not muscle and will also help an underweight dog gain weigh as muscle.


Raw edible bones and tracheas are high in glucosamine and chondroitin which is essential for healthy joints. 

A dog is sitting on its hind legs and waving its paw.

As you probably already know heavily processed foods are usually high in starch in the form of grains or potato which are a stress to the digestive system and therefore a common cause for dogs skin and digestive problems. Some dogs are hyperactive because of all the colours, sugars and additives that are in a large number of foods.

Even if high quality ingredients are used the process they have to go through to become dry food (kibble) destroys the nutrients and denatures the enzymes which leave the product nutritionally void.

Excessive amounts of synthetic vitamins need to be added to make up for the lack of nutrients provided by these heavily procesed "foods".

Food Shop

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